Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Body Years In The Making; Standalone Movie Filming In Italy?

Gal Gadot has taken a lot of hit after it was announced that she would be playing Wonder Woman in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" but the former Miss Israel has shown that she can take it.

The beauty queen also revealed that playing the Amazon Princess is no joke, but it's a good thing that she's got years to practice.

"I've always been very sporty," she told the Belfast Telegraph. "My mother is a gymnastics teacher, so as a child I was always on the go. I danced for 12 years and wanted to be a choreographer, which didn't work out. Besides dance I also played basketball, volleyball, tennis and dodgeball. Eight of my fingers have been broken at least once..."

Speaking to Vogue magazine, Gal Gadot also revealed her workout routine for Wonder Woman.

"I try to work out at least three times a week, at least one hour each time, and I do different things, like TRX or Pilates," the mother of one said. "If I'm staying in a cold country or there happens to be no gym, I'll exercise in my room. If I'm by the ocean, I swim."

"I'll paddleboard, which I love because it keeps you in shape and it's meditative. The meaning of my name in Hebrew is wave-I'm into anything that has to do with the sea."

Meanwhile, it seems the "Wonder Woman" starring Gal Gadot standalone film might push through as production will reportedly be in Lucania in southern Italy.

According to Yahoo Italy, per Cinema Blend, "Basilicata encompasses a slew of territories, including the ancient city of Mattera, where films like the Biblical epics Ben Hur and Pasolini were filmed."

"While plot details on the film are unknown at this time, the exotic locale, which also includes lush seaside locations, are perfect for Themyscira, the home island of Wonder Woman."

Gal Gadot
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