Jim Carrey eBay Listing Of Autographed Photo Disappears After User Claims He Will Use Proceeds To Buy A Gun

Jim Carrey is facing backlash on eBay for starring in a Funny or Die video that criticizes gun owners and mocks former National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston.

User 'astrobuzz' posted a signed picture of Jim Carrey on eBay on Wednesday, March 27, responding to the video.

The listing reads, "Jim Carrey Autographed 8X10 Photo So I Can Afford A Gun!"

The black-and-white image for sale of Jim Carrey inscribed with "Spank you very much!" and Carrey's alleged signature attracted 103 bidders. The price of the image rose to $860, according to Hollywood Gossip. The photo was an autographed reprint, which usually sells for about $8 on eBay.

Other users actively commented on the item, many of them criticizing Carrey for being so outspoken in his anti-gun views.

Some eBay users promised to join the NRA with the money they got from their Carrey paraphernalia; others promised to take shooting classes and apply for a concealed-carry permit.

"In the hopes Carrey will see this: I will NOT be seeing KICK-ASS 2 when it is released," one user wrote. Another commented, "I would just like to encourage the winning bidder in this noble cause to bring the prize to the range for proper disposal."

Before the photo could be sold, the auction and bids for the photo disappeared, along with many similar sales relating to Jim Carrey. Apparently, eBay administration got involved in the selling.

By late Wednesday, the word "gun" and all related comments had been removed from descriptions in Jim Carrey items on eBay.

'Astrobuzz' revised the description of the photo, "I'm selling this Jim Carrey autographed B&W photo (mint condition) for purposes I cannot explain because it might be against eBay's Terms & Conditions."

eBay has not yet addressed the removal of the listings or the altering of the descriptions.

Astrobuzz and the other pro-gun eBay users were protesting Carrey's role in the Funny or Die video titled "Cold Dead Hand," which features Carrey disparaging gun owners and Second Amendment activists. One of the lines in the song said, "The angels wouldn't take [Heston] up to heaven like he planned/Because they couldn't pry that gun from his cold, dead hand."

The eBay listing got the attention of Jim Carrey, who warned his followers on twitter. He wrote, "A lot of the autographs you'll buy 4 guns online r fakes. Jokes on both buyer and seller. Not to mention the karma. Your luck will be bad. ;^)"

The video that sparked controversy can be viewed below.

Jim Carrey's next film, Kick-Ass 2, opens in theaters on August 16.

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