Reddit Murder Confession Alerted Users, Reported To FBI Individual Who Posted Meme Saying He Killed Sister’s Boyfriend With Drugs

Would the recent Reddit murder confession be the first in social media? Users of the social bookmarking site are concerned that a meme posted maybe true.

According to a report by the DailyMail, a Reddit user has been reported to the FBI after he used a cuddly bear meme to seemingly confess to murdering his sister’s abusive boyfriend.

Reddit user Naratto, posted a thread with the title “Finally have the guys to say it” to Reddit’s AdviceAnimals subforum late Saturday night.

The thread linked to a meme he made, known as Confession Bear, and Naratto’s bizarre admission, which read: “My sister had an abusive meth addict boyfriend. I killed him with his own drugs while he was unconscious and they ruled it as an overdose.”

The meme is usually reserved for harmless confessions, but this one stunned Reddit users with some of them commenting on the photo and asking if the disclosure is factual and when it occurred.

Naratto, responded with the disclaimer, “First and only comment by me.”

He said, "I posted this wondering what would happen, there is SOME truth behind it, but I'm not saying what was true and what wasn't. If I had a dollar for every time someone took me seriously on the internet, I would be able to retire from today alone. I'm sorry to anyone that I've offended to the point of ruining their lives.”

He continued his comment with an advice, “If you want to catch a murder, get out of your house, put on some tight and go fight crime. I'm quite done with reddit tonight. Back to the shadows of lurking, the world isn't quite ready for me."

Other Reddit users started getting more details on Naratto, mining information that is publicly information about him. They were able to find his full name, date of birth, occupation and employer, location and Facebook and Twitter and MySpace account and then began debating whether they need to start alerting authorities about it.

Redditors have decided to alert authorities about the meme.

According to DailyDot, concerned users reported Naratto’s “confession” and all available details they’ve garnered about him to the FBI’s tips website.

The posting of his personal information prompted Naratto to add to his comment.

"The reason for this post and the admittance it was a joke because people started posting my own personal information on there. Not s*** that was in my post history,” Narratto said. “Sure you can find information about ME but link me to something that happened is completely different. I made a meme about something, and it turned into people revealing my PERSONAL INFORMATION. It was quite rude and VERY uncalled for.”

He also seemingly retaliated to the reaction by posting another meme that said, “If you joke about murder on Reddit without a throw away account you’re gonna have a bad time.”

Narratto then deleted his own account, which has only fueled speculations that what he posted could be true.

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