WrestleMania Burns: Triple H Suffers 2nd Degree Burns While The Rock Tears Muscles Off Pelvis

Triple H suffered second degree burns on his torso at WrestleMania while walking down to the ring to face his opponent, Brock Lesnar.

As Triple H walked to the ring a bright white substance could be seen on his torso. Appearing to take no notice of the material Triple H began his WrestleMania match and defeated Brock Lesnar.

On April 9 two days after WrestleMania Triple H posted a picture of his burned torso explaining the white stuff people saw was dry ice. Triple H did not give a specific reason as to why he had dry ice on his body. All he said on Twitter was that he suffered 2nd degree burns at WrestleMania and posted a picture.

"For those wondering... Stuff stuck to me at mania was dry ice. Gave me 2nd degree burns on torso & arms," Triple H posted. In the picture Triple H lifts his shirt to expose bright red patches on his side. 

Twitter followers responded to Triple H saying they were wondering about what was stuck to him at WrestleMania. They also added comments like, "Yikes man," and "Rough day when you get stiffed on your entrance, ouch."

The WrestleMania burns Triple H suffered were not the only injuries to happen that night.

About half way through the match between the Rock and John Cena, the Rock tore his abdominal and adductor muscles off his pelvis.

The Rock let his fans know what happened via Instagram saying, "Sometimes we pay the price...midway through my WrestleMania match I tore my abdominal and adductor muscles off my pelvis. Yup that sh** hurt."

Not wanting his fans to worry the Rock thanked them for their support adding, "Thank you to the fans for the love [and] well wishes! rehab starts in 3...2...Bring it!"

Other injuries reported at WrestleMania come from PWMania.com. The website says that CM Punk needed an MRI on his knee after facing the Undertaker. The same site also reports Brock Lesnar was knocked unconscious during the match with Triple H and may have suffered a concussion as a result.

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