Jay-Z And Beyoncé's Cuba Trip Was Legal, Approved Despite Strong Backlash; Trip Could Influence Cuban Trade Embargo

Jay-Z has been in the spotlight constantly this week after news broke that he has begun selling off his shares to the Brooklyn Nets, bringing him one step closer to becoming a sports agent, and after he returned from Cuba with his wife Beyoncé.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z have been heavily criticized for their trip to the communist island nation, particularly by Clueless actress Stacey Dash, on Twitter. In addition, two Republican congressional representatives have called for an investigation of Beyoncé and Jay-Z over their Cuba trip. The investigation was requested due to claims that the hip-hop couple broke the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba by traveling to the region for pleasure on their wedding anniversary.

Openly conservative Dash led the charge, aggressively addressing Beyoncé and Jay-Z, tweeting, "Do you care that the Jay Z's have taken the capital you have given them and funded a communist oppressive regime?"

After the intense attention Beyoncé and Jay-Z's trip garnered, a U.S. Treasury Department spokesperson clarified that that the couple broke no laws and was licensed to travel to Cuba under the U.S.'s policy of encouraging "meaningful contacts" between the countries.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z are far from the only music industry personnel that have visited Cuba recently, including Audioslave, Kool and the Gang, Dead Prez, and even Ry Cooder.

However, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have received the most attention. Outraged Florida Republicans even suggested that the couple had broken the law. "...The Obama administration should explain exactly how trips like these comply with U.S. law and regulations governing travel to Cuba and it should disclose how many more of these trips they have licensed," stated Sen. Marco Rubio, according to Billboard.

Perhaps the confusion over licenses occurred because Jay-Z and Beyoncé traveled to Cuba simply as part of a group of travelers, and not as musicians, as is typically done with famous music artists.

The Carters' trip had been legally set up by the Academic Arrangements Board, and they visited Cuba simply as Americans to create mutual understanding and encourage democratic ideals through personal contact between citizens of both countries.

Although there have been bumps in the road under the Bush administration and even under Obama's, Billboard reported that visitors to Cuba from the U.S. have been increasing.

Such exposure of Cuban embargo issues is unique, and could possibly affect policy. At the end of this month, Secretary of State John Kerry will decide whether or not to take Cuba off the list of countries that are "State Sponsors of Terrorism."

"Unwittingly Beyoncé and Jay-Z are making a statement with the confluence of their trip and the April 30 deadline for Kerry. Or maybe they knew what was happening and said we're going to go to Cuba and take this on," attorney Bill Martinez, supporter of lifting the embargo, told Billboard.

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