Kevin Bacon Apology: Actor Apologizes For Tweeting Spoiler Plot Twist About "The Following"

Kevin Bacon apologizes for accidentally re-posted a Twitter comment today that gave away a key plot twist in "The Following", making it instantly visible to his Twitter followers.

Actor Kevin Bacon, who plays FBI agent Ryan Hardy in the new series "The Following", should have realized that his Twitter page also has a following! 233,544 to be exact.  Kevin retweeted:

"@kevinbacon is a murderer too! Nice twist."

The episode aired on Monday, April 8, so no harm no foul, right? Wrong. It really wouldn't have been a big deal except for the fact that the episode has not yet aired abroad! The show has millions of devoted watchers worldwide, and the slip up could affect ratings and maybe even stop fans from watching altogether. (If you don't watch the show, you don't realize the magnitude of the info leak to the show plot).

In a post on his official page, Bacon writes, "To all the fans abroad and late watchers I'm truly sorry I retweeted a spoiler. I just wasn't thinking. Won't happen again. (My bad)."

Apologizing to fans is one nice and all, but maybe he should be doing a little butt-kissing to the FOX TV execs and show producers.  

Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter are dangerous sites.  Once you put something out there, you can't take it back, and it's all too easy to hit the "post" button without meaning to.  So if you're on a new hit TV show, stay clear!

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