Toronto Woman Wins $40 Million Lotto That She Originally Thought Was $40,000" Watch The Joyful Reaction Of Maria Carreiro As She Explains What Happened To Reporters [VIDEO]

A woman from Toronto was shocked, surprised and happy as can be when she thought she won $40,000 but discovered she really won $40 million.

Maria Carreiro, 51, won the max lotto jackpot Monday after purchasing a ticket Friday and talked about what happened with CTV.

After Carreiro discovered she won what she originally thought to be $40,000, she went home to tell her daughter the good news. "'Oh, I won $40,000! I won $40,000!'" she told her daughter.

She must have misread how many zeros were there when she found out she won. The $40,000 would have been 0.1 percent of the $40 million she really won. Her daughter, Manuela, decided to check out for herself to confirm that her mother won. That's when she realized her mother was wrong, in a good way.

Manuela shared the news with her mother who then ran down the street as she said herself, "like a crazy woman" to check her ticket numbers again for herself.

"It said $40 million and then I go: 'Oh my God.' And I ran back up the street, home and then I go: 'I need a glass of water.' So I drank a glass of water and said: 'Let me go sit down and relax.' And that was it," she described to reporters.

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation confirmed that Carreiro won the lottery.

 She said husband has already reported that he will now quit his job: "He told his boss...'I am going to work with you Monday, after that I quit!'"

Carreiro said as far as tonight goes, "I am going to go for dinner with my whole family at The Mandarin, all you can eat! That's what I'm going to do and then I am going to go home, take a shower and go to sleep."

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