Madonna Tries To Get VIP Treatment In Malawi But Gets Bashed Instead

The president of Malawi has accused Madonna of demanding VIP treatment in the country, exaggerating her charity work and being "a musician who desperately thinks she must generate recognition by bullying state officials instead of playing decent music on the stage".

He claims Madonna became accustomed to VIP status on previous trips, but she got a rude awakening when leaving, when she and her traveling party were frisked as equally as every other traveler by airport security. The pop star probably hasn't waited in any queue for years, and it's about time she understands what normal civilians go through at an airport.

Madge adopted two Malawian children, David Banda and daughter Chifundo James, both 8, and runs several education projects there, but was bitterly criticized after abandoning plans to build a $15m elite academy for girls in Malawi.

The President of Malawi, Joyce Banda, condemned Madonna for trying to use her celebrity to compel Malawi to give her special treatment and said "Granted, Madonna is a famed international musician but that does not impose an injunction of obligation on any government under whose territory Madonna finds herself, including Malawi, to give her state treatment. Such treatment, even if she deserved it, is discretionary, not obligatory."

"Among the many things that Madonna needs to learn as a matter of urgency is the decency of telling the truth. For her to tell the whole world that she is building schools in Malawi when she has actually only contributed to the construction of classrooms is not compatible with manners of someone who thinks she deserves to be revered with state grandeur."

Banda was reportedly angered by Madonna's claim she had built 10 schools in Malawi, and questioned that theory. "Where are the 10 schools she has built?" Banda said. "She is just building school blocks at already existing schools. In some cases she just renovated an already existing block. This is an insult to the people of Malawi. She can't be lying to the world at our expense."

Madonna accused Banda of lying, and her spokeswoman suggested the claims were linked to the removal of the president's sister as head of Madonna's humanitarian organization in Malawi.

Nobody can be sure whom is right in this feud, but looking back on Madonna's diva demands in domestic locations, it wouldn't be surprising if she wanted to live a lavish lifestyle in the one of the poorest countries in the world.

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