Joe Biden Claims Guns Are Like A Ferrari To Some New Owners: 'It Used To Be We Were Dealing Almost Exclusively With Hunters' VP Says

Vice President Joe Biden said in an MSNBC interview on Thursday that some new gun owners want a gun purely for the thrill of holding it, the same way they want a Ferrari.

"It used to be we were dealing almost exclusively with hunters," Joe Biden said. "There's a whole new sort of group of individuals now who, I don't know what the numbers are, that never hunt at all but they own guns for one of two reasons: self protection or they just like the feel of that AR-15 at the range."

"They like the way it feels. You know, it's like driving a Ferrari," the vice president added.

Ferrari firearm fanatics notwithstanding, Biden says the public has been far ahead of lawmakers in their views on gun control.

"I mean so far ahead," the vice president said of public support for gun control proposals like expanded background checks. "You saw it in immigration. You saw it in marriage issues. You're seeing it now, the public has moved to a different place."

Congress may be catching up.

Known for moving considerably slower than a Ferrari when it has come to pushing forward gun control, the U.S. Senate agreed to debate a gun control legislation on Thursday.

The Senate voted 68-31, easily surpassing the 60-vote requirement, to break the Republican filibuster, according to Reuters.

In this morning's interview with MSNBC, conducted ahead of the filibuster-breaking developments in the Senate, Biden was particularly vocal about the need for a crackdown on ammunition clips, a hot button topic since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School last year.

"If there had only been ten bullets in each clip, [the shooter] would have had to change the clip an additional three to five times," Biden said. "One of those kids would be alive. Somebody would be alive...what is the inconvenience? What are we doing? What are we doing to impact on a gun owners' right if he only has a clip with ten rounds in it instead of 30 rounds in it?"

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