Amanda Bynes Tweets "I Dont Speak To My Parents Anymore" After Tabloids Report Bynes' Family Expressing Concern

Insane retired actress. Amanda Bynes, 26. revealed that she has cut ties with her parents, after gossip columns reported that her parents are expressing concern.

She made the sad revelation on her Twitter page, writing, "I don't speak to my parents anymore, they don't talk to reporters on my behalf. Don't believe anything you read about me unless I tweet it. My friends don't speak on my behalf either," the She's the Man star wrote, referencing stories allegedly citing her pals as sources. "Please don't read anything about me needing help. That offends me. Follow me on twitter!"

Bynes added, "Don't believe anything you read about me unless I tweet it."

Bynes is perhaps responding to yesterday's report that her parents, Lynn and Rick, are "very upset" about the attention she's been getting in the press and being upset at Kim Kardashian's comments about her daughter while guest hosting "Chelsea Lately".

"Am I the only one that is obsessed with her new makeover?" Kim Kardashian snorted sarcasticly on the E! show. "She looks amazing" with her "blond hair and those nails." 

Sources tell Radar Online that Amanda Bynes' parents didn't appreciate Kim making a joke out of their daughter's troubles. "Amanda's parents hope that people, including Kim, would show empathy towards their daughter at this time. Even if Kim was joking about Amanda's appearance, it really isn't funny. Amanda is in trouble and she doesn't need to be a punchline in a joke."

Another  "source" close to the family told RadarOnline, "Her parents just wish the media would leave Amanda alone, because it's only making the situation worse. Amanda is lost and she refuses to get help."

Earlier this month, a "relative" told InTouch that Bynes is "completely resisting any help that her family wants to give her."

Amanda Bynes says she loves Kim Kardashian and her sisters, misinterpreting Kim's joke for actual compliments (umm.. crazy much), but she clearly isn't pleased with her parents talking to the media about her troubles.

Her parents may want to help, but Amanda Bynes has been constantly on Twitter posting about being fine the last few weeks. The former child star has been outraged at the recent media stories following her behavior. 

This isn't the first time Amanda has expressed frustration with the reports surrounding her conduct. Just yesterday, she tweeted a message threatening to sue "every blog, every magazine, every news source" claiming she's exhibiting "erratic behavior." Somehow I don't see that happening, but it will entertaining to watch her try.

Amanda Bynes
Kim Kardashian
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