Spartacus: War Of The Damned Series Finale Was Bloody And Epic, Fans Share Sorrow At The Death Of The “Bringer of Rain”

Last night the Starz original series Spartacus: War of the Damned aired the series finale. Fans were glued to the TV waiting to find out if the tragic hero Spartacus and his band of remaining rebels would survive the "War of the Damned."

Who lived and who died? Those are the questions. Two episodes ago the rebel army suffered a devastating blow when Crixus (played by Manu Bennett) was beheaded in front of his great love Naevia (played by Cynthia Addai-Robinson).

Fans had hoped this loss would spur the rebel army to one last battle with Rome's Marcus Crassus and emerge victorious. This highly desired outcome would in fact completely rewrite history. The real salve rebellion led by Spartacus was crushed by Rome with the remaining rebels crucified as a warning to others who would rise up against Rome.

In last night's series finale it looks as though Spartacus was just about to kill his enemy when he is pierced by a spear, then another, and another. But this was not the end for our hero Spartacus. He is aided by another rebel, Agron (played by Dan Feuerrigegel) who has been with Spartacus since before the rebellion began.

Meanwhile while the army of rebels battled with the Roman soldiers, fans saw the death of more beloved characters. Naevia, Saxa and Lugo all fall to Roman swords. Except Lugo who was in fact set on fire cursing the Roman's as he burned.

God of the Arena, Gannicus (Dustin Clare) was battling with Julius Caesar (Todd Lasance) a fight a season in the making when he was knocked unconscious. Fans knew what was next for Gannicus. The last time you see the man he is being crucified.

Gannicus' final image is a dream he is back in the arena with thousands of screaming fans cheering his name. Gannicus' character had always been the rock-star type.

The series finale of Spartacus ends with a small clutch of rebels seeking to escape Rome over the mountains. Before they leave the slaves stay with a dying Spartacus and offer him comfort in his final moments.

Spartacus embraces death finally being able to see his long dead wife Sura. Sura's death was the flame that lit the fire of rebellion in Spartacus' heart. As he lay dying one of the freed slaves calls his name.

"Spartacus, that is not my name," he replies. And with that came the end of a four-year ride that took fans on an emotional rollercoaster.

The Spartacus series was intense, bloody and had more sex scenes than you could shake a stick at.

Fans stayed true to the show when the original Spartacus, Andy Whitfield had to leave the show due to health reasons. Whitfield did not want show creators to end the series and gave his blessing to find a new actor to fill the role.

Andy Whitfield died of cancer while the show was filming its second season. While fans love the new Spartacus, Whitfield remains a champion of people's hearts.

Liam McIntyre played Spartacus for the show's finale two seasons. He owned the character during the finale season and filled Whitfield's shoes well.

Now that the series in over the fans and actors have taken to Twitter to express their feelings and opinions about the legendary show.

Liam McIntyre writes, "Too many emotions from the Spartacus finale."

Dan Feuerrigegel posted, "I would like to thank you all for being such an amazing group of crazy, blood thirsty, and f**ked up fans...much love, Dan"

Fans took to Twitter with their own comments about the show. Fan Leila Bent tweeted Liam McIntyre saying, "Thank you and yes, why, yes! It's been a hell of a ride. Eternal Gratitude, man."

Vanessa Carter told McIntyre he gave an, "Unbelievably breath taking and spectacular performance."

"Can't believe Spartacus is over. I am going to miss that show so much. :( The feels man...the feels," posted fan Brennon O'Neill.

The creator of Spartacus, Steven S. DeKnight did an interview with and explained the decisions about who lived and died during the finale.

"My feeling is Spartacus incited this rebellion - thousands and thousands of slaves got killed. It would be disingenuous to have him walk off into the sunset. Plus, just the simple fact that he has nothing to walk off to. His love for his wife, which brings us all the way until the final scene of the series - his love for his wife and that loss really keeps him from ever having a life beyond this. His life really ended with her - any chance of a happy life, or a simple life. For him he was either going to win or he was going to die. There's really no middle ground."

So to the cast and crew of Spartacus from all the loyal fans, "Gratitude."

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