Kid Rock Says He’s “F**king Embarrassed” To Be A republican

Musician Kid Rock recently did an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine in which he said he is embarrassed to be a Republican.

Kid Rock took a shot at his own political party after they supported legislation that would result in concert ticket prices being raised.

"That's one of the times I'm f**king embarrassed to be a Republican," Rock tells Rolling Stone. "It's f**king Republican lawmakers passing those laws, you dumba**es. They already did it in New York and they're trying to do it in Michigan. I've even called some of those guys to try and stop it."

Kid Rock was not only embarrassed to be a member of a political party that would dig deeper into the pockets of his fans he was also annoyed with Ticketmaster. Ticket master charges its customers a $5 service charge when placing an order.

Kid Rock told Rolling Stone he was changing his political views slightly. He also told the music magazine he thinks that the kind of money musicians, athletes and celebrities are paid would be better spent "divided between the classes."

"Athletes and musicians make astronomical amounts of money," Kid Rock told Rolling Stone. "People get paid $100 million to throw a baseball! Shouldn't we all take less and pass some of that money onto others? Think about firefighters, teachers and policemen. We should celebrate people that are intellectually smart and trying to make this world a better place."

In order to help out his fans financially Kid Rock took a pay cut on his upcoming summer tour. Now ticket prices for the Kid Rock, ZZ Top and Uncle Kracker tour will cost only $20. No matter what seat you take, whether it be front row or the nosebleeds ticket prices will be only $20.

"I said to them, 'Look, I'll go in as your partner. Don't guarantee me a dime; if nobody shows up, I'll lose money.' It costs us $125,000 to show up with our crew and whatnot," Kid Rock told Rolling Stone. "I also said, 'But I want to share beer, parking, hot dogs. Let's put the money in a pot at the end of the night and figure out, based on the numbers, what I'll get paid.' Even if it sells out, I'll take a pay cut. Fortunately, I'm able to do that."

Kid Rock also explained how seats in the first two rows will not be for sale. Before the show begins Kid Rock will send some of his roadies to pull people from the nosebleed seats and allow them to sit up front.

"I'm going to send my roadies to find people in the back of the place to sit there.I have big-time buddies that can get front-row seats for anything. They know the right people. Not my show, though. We don't care who you are, you can't get those seats unless we select you."

Despite his recent embarrassment about being a Republican Kid Rock supported Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential Election. Kid Rock explained he does not like the hardcore views Republicans tend to have, but has voted Republican in the past.

Kid Rock says he doesn't know if his pay cut, ticket pricing plan will work but he is going to give it a try. You have to give the guy credit, most musicians would not try their hardest to make sure fans could afford to go to one of their shows.

"I don't get nervous much in life anymore, but this one is a little nerve-racking. It could be a really rough summer if it doesn't work out. If it doesn't work out, I may have to go hide in a hole for a couple of years."

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