Audrie Pott’s Family Lawyer Wants Three Boys Charged With Homicide After Teen Takes Her Own Life

Audrie Pott, a 15-year-old California girl committed suicide after allegedly being sexually assaulted by three boys last September.

Bob Allard is an attorney for the Pott family; he spoke with Yahoo News explaining he and the girl's family wants Audrie Pott's former classmates to be brought up on homicide charges and tried as adults.

"This is not your typical juvenile crime. We're talking about an orchestrated crime. Right up next to murder would be an assault like this. An adult-like crime with an adult-like mentality," Allard told Yahoo News.

Because the three boys are minors police have not released their names. The three 16-year-olds were arrested on Thursday and charged only with sexual battery.

"This family has lost a sister and daughter to death," Allard said to Yahoo News. "The penalty should be commensurate."

Audrie Pott was allegedly sexually assaulted at a party last fall after passing out drunk. Videos and photos were posted online and after seeing them Pott went on her Facebook page; posting, "Worst day ever."

After leaving the comment on Facebook Audrie Pott hanged herself. 8-months later the three boys were arrested.

Allard told Yahoo News, "There's no doubt that the combination of the assault and the torture by cyber bullying caused Audrie to end her life."

The Pott family is celebrated a small victory when they learned, the three boys that attacked Audrie might be tried as adults. Then Pott family is hoping to get "Audrie's Law" passed. This law will hopefully harshen the punishment for cyber bullying.

The Pott family also began a scholarship foundation in Audrie Pott's name. According to the Audrie Pott Foundation's Facebook page the organization is,

"Dedicated to providing art and music scholarships for local South Bay high school and college students. Another primary focus of the organization is to provide youth counseling and support. Although we are currently a local organization, we are working with the hope of being able to reach out to the world through tragedy assistance, education, and disaster relief."

The Facebook page goes on to say, "Audrie touched the lives of everyone she met, with her gorgeous smile and her vivacious, infectious laugh. In her passing, she has been a catalyst for change, and all who knew her would expect nothing less."

Yahoo News also reported the Pott family is planning a press conference for Tuesday.

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