Billionaire William Koch Awarded $12M In Damages After Suing Over Fake Wine

Billionaire William Koch was awarded $12M in punitive damages after suing Eric Greenberg for selling the billionaire 24 bottles of phony Bordeaux costing $300,000.

The jury also awarded the billionaire an additional settlement of $380,000. $80,000 more than the original amount Koch spent.

In 2004 Koch learned that 4 of the bottles said to belong to Thomas Jefferson were in fact fake. After the jury ruled in his favor and awarded the billionaire his $12M, Koch went out onto the courthouse steps and said he felt, "over the moon" about the verdict.

Koch also said he was going to use the $12M he was awarded to set up a fund whose purpose would be to go after wine fraud.

After the 3-week long trial the Daily News interviewed some of the jurors in the case. The jurors told the Daily News that they really couldn't tell one wine from another but felt that Koch was swindled.

They awarded the billionaire his $12M as a lesson to others who would try to con people in the future.

"We wanted to send a message to wine sellers that maybe they won't be so fast to throw something in an auction before they fully authenticate what they're selling," said jury foreman Darrell Paul, to the Daily News.

"It's a lesson, don't do that," said juror Walton Williams.

According to the Daily News Eric Greenberg offered an apology to Koch saying,

"I'm sorry the wines I sold Mr. Koch were counterfeit. I thought they were real."

The Daily News reports that Koch celebrated his victory with a fancy NYC dinner and a few select bottles of wine.

Koch told the restaurant's waiter, "If it's not real, I'm going to sue," and laughed.

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