First Pokemon XY & Z Movie Trailer Debuts Volcanion, Zygarde Complete Forme [VIDEO]

After being teased through CoroCoro leaks and the anime, fans are now getting the first glimpses of Volcanion and Zygarde Complete Forme in their fully animated glory.

On Wednesday, the Japanese variety show "Oha Suta" aired the first official trailer for the upcoming 2016 Pokemon XY & Z movie. It features various legendary Pokemon, and the first fully animated images of the above mentioned Mythical creatures.

"This is just my opinion, but if the movie trailer is already out and Volcanion is officially announced, then I don't think it will be long until we get a new game announcement," commented YouTuber PokemonT 15.

Volcanion has been known to fans since the release of "Omega Ruby" and "Alpha Sapphire." For example, through the work of hacking team "Project Pokemon," we have tidbits of an event discussing television specials regarding the Pokemon.

According to the official Pokemon website, Zygarde Complete Forme is the "perfect Forme that Zygarde takes when the Core gathers 100% of the Cells."

"When the ecosystem is under threat, and the Core concludes that the 50% Forme will be unable to deal with it, the Core takes on the Complete Forme. Its power is said to be greater than that of the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal!"

Based on the various Formes of Zygarde, there appears to be further connections to Norse mythlogy, this time based on Loki's children.

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