The popular anime series "Dragon Ball Super" continues with episode 38. Fans of the massively popular "Dragon Ball" franchise definitely has to follow this anime because it features some of the strongest fighters ever. The upcoming episode will feature another noteworthy battle as the series comes into its near completion.
According to Attack of the Fanboy, the upcoming episode is titled, "The Supreme Warrior of the Universe 6! An assassin named Hit." The title alone reveals the final fighter of Universe 6 and he's also considered the strongest of the group. The technique in placing the strongest fighter as the final option is also the same for Universe 7 fighters and this is the reason why Monaka is still a mystery even though Beerus has regarded him as one of the greatest.
Fortunately Facebook user Gojiitaaf revealed the plot of the upcoming episode by translating the episode guide, "The martial arts tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7 with Earth on the line, Vegeta's last opponent is Hit, the strongest man in Universe 6. Vegeta, watching Hit's eerily calm demeanor, is quite sure he's strong. Hit is an assassin proud to have the greatest skill of Universe 6."
The preview, posted by YouTuber Harry Price online, shows a very dangerous Hit. Vegeta clearly has his hands full in dealing with the greatest warrior of Universe 6 and there's even a portion where Vegeta's head is pierced with a beam. Will the attack be fatal to Vegeta? Will Hit win over Vegeta and face the next fighter? According to Yidaba, "During the preview of episode 38, it showed that Vegeta is having a hard time fighting the new mysterious warrior. In fact, the preview clearly shows Vegeta being beaten up so badly that he could not even land a decent punch."
If Vegeta does lose to Hit, the closing episodes will feature Goku squaring off against Hit. Based on the leaked guide, episode 38 of "Dragon Ball Super" will premiere on April 10.