Episode two of the renowned manga series, "Boku No Hero Academia" is now out and it will be the continuation of Deku and All-Might's encounter in the pilot episode. Watch it at Gogo Anime.
Last episode, main protagonist Deku was introduced and it was revealed that his dream is to someday become a hero. However, he may not be able to live that dream as he is Quirkless while he lives in a world where 80 percent of the population has their unique abilities.
Nevertheless, he chose not to give up his dream thanks to All Might serving as his inspiration. One afternoon, when Deku was walking home, he was attacked by a villain. Fortunately, All-Might was able to arrive at the scene in the nick of time and save Deku.
In the next episode, All-Might will finally notice the special talent Deku has and perhaps, it will serve as the start to the young kid's dream.
Also, here's a synopsis of the manga courtesy of My Anime List.
"People are not born equal, a realization that 4-year-old Midoriya Izuku faced when bullied by his classmates who had unique special powers. Izuku was one of the rare cases where he was born with absolutely no unique powers," as stated on the website
"This did not stop Izuku from pursuing his dream, a dream of becoming a great hero like the legendary All-Might. To become the great hero he hopelessly wants to become, he now will join the ranks of one of the highest rated "Hero Academies" in the country: Yueiko. With the help of his idol All-Might, will he be able to claim the ranks and become a true hero?"