Amanda Bynes, In a Messy Platinum Wig, Appears Before Judge In NYC Court Following Her Arrest

Amanda Bynes, looking disheveled from head to toe, appeared in criminal court today to answer her charges after being arrested by New York City cops in her apartment Thursday night, according to the New York Daily News.

According to the report, Bynes was making strange faces and yelling at reporters when she wasn't staring straight towards the ground.

Bynes was alleged to have been smoking marijuana in the lobby of her building on West 47th street. When the building's doorman contacted the police, the NYC cops were sent straight up to Byne's apartment. She is accused of throwing her bong out the window as the cops were entering her home.

"My client completely denies illegally throwing anything out of her window," said Andrew Friedman, her attorney for the arraignment, according to AP. "I don't want any photos. No press are allowed in here," announced the disheveled star to the public courtroom.

The judge released her on her own recognizance and gave her a July 9 court date.

The actress, who has been making headlines lately for her erratic behavior, was arrested Thursday night after the doorman in her building called police to report that Bynes was smoking pot in the lobby. By the time officers arrived, she had gone back to her apartment, where they saw heavy smoke and a bong, which Bynes then threw out the window, according to reports by the A.P.

Bynes was charged with reckless endangerment, tampering with evidence and criminal possession of marijuana.

TMZ reports Bynes shouted at police the now-famous Reese Witherspoon arrest line: "Don't you know who I am?!"

It was reported that Bynes was taken to Roosevelt Hospital to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, after her arrest last night, then to a Midtown police station to be processed. She was expected to spend the night in Manhattan central booking and appear in court today.

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