2020 has started with a lot of things going on all over the world, with issues going on, to crisis and even controversial issues from each of the celebrities' confessions!
It is very unlikely to every Korean celebrity or any other well-known personalities to ever confess or share what's going on with their personal lives or even announcing the status of their love life.
With having a very few Korean Celebrities revealing themselves in the public to be secretly married or engaged for the time being or even for a long time is something that the K-pop world has never seen.

It was on January 13 when the EXO member Chen officially announced to the public that he and his long time non-showbiz girlfriend has been engaged and is now pregnant with their first child.
Chen even wrote a letter to all of the EXO-L's who were shocked because of the sudden news.
"I am worried that I might hurt all of you because of my poor confidence in telling you this news but I want to apologize first to everyone who has waited and to all of the EXO-Ls who must have been surprised by now because of this sudden confirmation.
I am really grateful for the love that you have given me and I am who I am now because of that love. Again, I am sorry for apologizing and telling you this news so late. Thank you."
This controversial issue made some fans disappointed and even opposed to his marriage announcement. This ignited the protest from various fan union to demand to their agency SM Entertainment to kick Chen out of the EXO group on the grounds of 'damaging EXO' to which the management did not respond.
Chen is expected to get married this year and the details to his wedding were not announced to the public as the event will be held privately.
Former 'Leesang' member, GIL

Gil is a former member of a hip-hop duo 'Leesang' together with his co-member Kang Hee-gun.
It was in January 27 when Gil made his appearance on Channel A and shocked his fans when he revealed that he was already married three years ago from that day.
He confessed that he already had a son two years ago. He chose to step out of the spotlight after his controversial driving incident hit the headlines of every media outlet in South Korea.
He was sentenced for eight months behind bars on the grounds of Driving Under the Influence of alcohol.
This is his third time being charged with DUI.
Sung Joon

It was on February 3 when the Actor Sung Joon has revealed that he has married a non-showbiz wife and that they have already had a child.
This news was confirmed by his management O& Entertainment who explained that he was indeed in a serious relationship with someone so dear to him and he was planning to marry right before he enters the military. Sung Joon and hi wife then rushed the legal proceedings before his military enlistment.
Sung Joon's fans are shocked to learn this confession from the actor himself but still congratulated him for his choice and his marriage.
Even though it was shocking, Congratulations to all of you!