Gaza Strip: Female Israeli Soldiers In Trouble For Posting Racy Photos Wearing Only Guns, Vests [PHOTOS]

A group of new recruits in the Israeli army posted a horde of semi-nude photos to Facebook...and they're getting in a lot of trouble for it. The women have been disciplined by their commanding officers--- but, in defiance, they just posted more racy photos.

The pics show the four women dropping their army pants to reveal thongs; wearing only helmets and guns, and in other lascivious poses. Most of Facebook, of course, was quite approving-the posts gathered a bevy of likes. Female Israeli soldiers have been famously lusted after, much like sailors during the United State's Fleet Week, as in Israel, virtually every eighteen year old is manually conscripted into the Israeli Defense Force.

The women's commanding officers, however, were not so impressed. The women were disciplined and given "educational lectures" about their conduct by their commanding offices.

The women, apparently, had not yet joined their units; they were undergoing basic training. They will not be expelled from the Israeli Defense Forces altogether, but may be punished.

In a statement, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said: "The picture in question represents behavior unbecoming IDF soldiers. The commanding officers disciplined the soldiers as they saw fitting."

Some are calling the move silly, others say it's subversive and harmful.

Previous incidents have lead to the army banning recruits from using social media while on base. These incidents, though, were decidedly darker. They include a YouTube video of a soldier dancing suggestively around a blindfolded Palestinian woman and a female soldier posing with a cheeky grin in front of a group of Palestinian prisoners. Earlier this year, a soldier in a sniper unit posted a photo of a small Palestinian boy in the crosshairs of his rifle on his Instagram page. Soon following that, a different male soldier got in trouble for posing naked with an assault rifle on Twitter, captioned with anti-Palestinian epithets.

The photos were widely distributed in Israeli media. Some were outraged, but one columnist said that "instead of more pictures of war, better that the world should see photos of IDF soldiers being silly."

Another said "Perhaps these recruits were also, unconsciously [...] attempting to expose the social institution of war for the absurdity that it is."

So while the girls had received an unspecified punishment, the girls, dubbed "the undressing soldiers", uploaded three new photos recently.

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