‘God’s Bathtub’ Does Exist; Discovered by Scientists in Australia

'God's bathtub' was discovered recently by scientists in Australia.

What does a 'God's bathtub' look like, then? Perhaps, people would imagine it as very huge and mysteriously beautiful. And scientists probably see these descriptions fit perfectly to a lake they recently found in Australia, thus dubbing it as 'God's bathtub.'

Scientists in Australia discovered a lake they now called the Blue Lake, which was unaffected by pollution, climate change and other man-made alterations for more than 7500 ears. The 'God's Bathtub' was described to be a pool of crystal clear water that is 10 meters deep.

Dr. Cameron Barr of APP depicted the lake as it was like God's bathtub.' He said, "It is beautiful. It is absolutely beautiful" and a part of its beauty comes from the fact that it still remain a virgin from pollutions and other changes around it after several thousand years. According to Dr. Barr, the water from God's bathtub has not been changed because its waters still drain into a nearby swamp and replaced only by an aquifer every 35 days, at the least.

Dr. Barr continued with, "Because it's constantly being updated it doesn't suffer from the vagaries of the climate in so far as it doesn't evaporate and become more saline. It doesn't fill up and become fresher. It just remains constant."

The scientist claim that Blue Lake or the 'God's bathtub, is a climate refuge for freshwater life, allowing the scientists to observe from a primary source what the natural conditions were like thousands of years ago.

Dr. Barr told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, "It appears that Blue Lake has been an important climate 'refuge' for the freshwater biota of the region, and is in the same condition now as it was 7,500 years ago."

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