Google Glass Bans First Porn App

On Monday morning, the first porn app for Google Glass was announced. Unfortunately, the app, which is wittedly titled "T**s and Glass" violated the most recent additions to Google's developer policies for the futuristic eyewear, which bans sexually explicit material.

"Our policies make it clear that Glass does not allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Any Glassware that violates this policy will be blocked from appearing on Glass," a Google spokesperson said. The same section promises harsh penalties for any app featuring child pornography. Google also bans gratuitous violence, hate speech and gambling on Glass," Google told CBS.

The app for Glass was released by MiKandi, an app store for adults that thus far has had a successful Android app store for apps featuring adult content.

Using the app, Google Glass wearers would be able to look at photos and watch videos filmed using the device. MiKandi wanted to expand from the typical first-person point of view videos to one-on-one interactions between adults who both have Glass. "T**s and Glass" allows glass users the opportunity to record their own pornographic content and upload it to the app.

 According to Jen McEwen, the co-founder of MiKandi, "[The program] is a relatively simple application."

She continued, "The primary function is that Google Glass users can upload and share their POV videos and POV photos through the application. Other users can comment, vote up and share that content with the community." Although anyone with a Google account can access the app via its website, though only glass users get the full-on interactive experience.

MiKandi posted a blog on Tuesday which read:

"When we first picked up our [Google Glass] device, we were very careful to comb through all of Google's terms, policies and developers' agreement to make sure we were playing within their rules. That was important to us to play in Google's boundaries,"

"Even last week as we were gearing up to make the announcement, we took a look the agreement and there was no mention again of a ban on adult content. We were not notified of any changes and still haven't been notified by Google. We also double checked our e-mails to see if any notifications of policy changes were announced, but we haven't found any such e-mails."

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