Attempted Suicide By Paris Jackson Is A Cry For Help; Overdose And Cutting! Teenager's Severe Emotional Problems With Prince, Debbie Rowe And Dad Death[VIDEOS!]

Paris Jackson has been hospitalized following a possible attempted suicide. Paris was rushed to the hospital from her Calabasas, Calif., family home early Wednesday morning after she attempted to commit suicide.

After the attempted suicide, a 911 call came in just before 1:30 a.m., with the caller reporting a possible overdose, while a source connected with the 911 response says there was cutting involved. Paris Jackson was taken from her home and quickly hopitalized. 

Although sources say Paris is hospitalized and "doing ok" the 15-year-old is clearly NOT ok. Any attempted suicide is a cry for help and the teenage needs guidance desperately.

On Tuesday night Paris posted some cryptic tweets, including, "I wonder why tears are salty?" and "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

Paris Jackson has had more to deal with in her 15 years than most teenagers. The death of her father must have taken a toll on the fragile girl whom displayed devastation in front of the world at Michael Jackson's funeral.

Her family situation is also less than desirable. Paris has constantly slammed her aunts and uncles in the media and has publicly stated that she only trusts her grandmother, Michael's mother. Paris Jackson fortunately does seem to have a strong bond with her two brothers, Blanket and Prince, however they clash on their views on mother Debbie Rowe.

The clash has confused Paris about her relationship with her mother, Debbie Rowe. Prince still holds a great deal of anger towards Rowe and is saddened to hear of his sister's newly kindled relationship with their mother.

In recent weeks, Rowe has spent an increasing amount of time with Paris Jackson - watching her perform in her school play, taking her out to lunch, and hosting her at her Palmdale ranch. Once alienated from her former in-laws, Rowe has the blessing of Paris's grandmother and legal co-guardian, Katherine Jackson, who sees her as a good influence.

"Paris has been going through a lot of teenage angst and feels a little bit unloved," says a source. "So about three months ago Paris reached out to her mother and told her she wanted to establish a relationship with her. Debbie was open to it, and Katherine Jackson is supportive of the developing relationship."

Since then, Paris has spent two weekends with Rowe in Palmdale, helping her with her horses. "She's enjoyed telling friends in L.A. how she's helping take care of a pregnant mare on the ranch, and even how she was recently chased by a chicken."

In recent times the source says that Paris and Prince are not as close as they used to be, partly because of Paris's relationship with her mother.

This is all so much for a young teenage to deal with. The attempted suicide is cleary a cry for help.  We just hope Paris gets the guidance that she needs and gets through these rough times.

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