Michelle Obama Gives Gay Rights Heckler A Mouth Full At Fundraiser [VIDEO]

Michelle Obama couldn't turn the other cheek when a gay rights protestor, who was later escorted out, became a heckler at the Democratic fund-raiser Tuesday evening.

Only within 12 minutes of the First Lady's 20-minute speech, the woman among a crowd of nearly 200 people started yelling for President Obama to issue an executive order stopping federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT employees.

In situations like these, Mr. Obama uses the strategy of patience and waits until the protestor is finished to address the complaint. However, his wife had a more confrontational approach.

"One of the things I don't do well is this," said Michelle to a loud applause, reporte the NY Times. "Listen to me, or you can take the mike, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice," she continued.

The crowd urged Mrs. Obama to stay. One woman told the protester, "You need to go!"

Still shouting as she was escorted out, the protestor outted herself as a "lesbian looking for federal equality before I die."

It was later discovered with the help of Heather Cronk, a co-director of the GetEqual group that advocates the LGBT community, that the heckler was Ellen Sturtz, an activist for the group.

Once Sturtz was dismissed, Mrs. Obama continued her message, stressing beneficial children's policies, donors staying politically engaged, and her husband's initiatives like gay rights and gun violence.

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Michelle Obama
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