Pokémon X And Y Update: Diagonal Movement And The 3D Of 3DS [VIDEO]

As news and rumors continue to roll in about the upcoming Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for 3DS, several staples of the series are being revamped for the updated polygonal 3D graphics.

Fans of the long-running Pokémon video game series are familiar with the traditional grid system that controls both the landscape of the games and the player's movement, with up-down-left-right directional movements being the only previous options.

According to Pokejungle, X and Y will utilize the 3DS circle pad, allowing for 360-degree movement, meaning diagonal movement is now possible. However, the general grid-like scope of the world still exists to a degree.

"While there is no more 'grid' for movement, the basic layout of the world still implies a grid-like structure," writes Pokejungle blogger Daedardus.

"I wouldn't like it if they did away with it altogether, because a Pokémon game without a grid isn't a Pokémon game to me."

On the topic of 3D, the updated graphics, along with the actual autostereoscopic effects of the 3DS have frequently been the topic of gamers as of late.

"I'm going to be blunt here: I do not care for the autostereoscopic, or '3D without glasses', effect on the 3DS," continued Daedardus.

In addition, fans have been worried about backwards compatibility due to the extra work it takes to model each individual polygonal Pokémon.

"Back when the [Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire] came out, Game Freak did not allow transfer from [Pokémon Gold and Silver] because the new mechanics of 3rd generation were simply too much of a change, so they decided to not enable it," writes hiddenblock.com member Chris.

And while first-generation Pokémon, like Mewtwo, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, are rumored to appear in the sixth-generation series this October, not being able to transfer all older Pokémon would be a huge detriment to most players.

Hopefully these questions will be addressed at the Pokémon roundtable at the E3 Expo next week.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Check out the most recent trailer for Pokemon X and Y below:

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