Record 1,300-Pound Shark Caught On Camera: Reality Show Documents 2.5-Hour Struggle

Not only did Matt Potter (Mako Matt) catch some 1,300-pound shark on Monday, he caught it with two videographers for an Outdoor Channel reality television show onboard to document the 2.5-hour struggle.

According to LA Times, 34-year-old Potter was on the third day of a three-day fishing trip with his friends when they spotted fins approaching their scattered bait, chopped mackerel and ground chum.

"I still feel the soreness in every bone," said Jason Johnston who took part in the 2.5-hour struggle to reel in the deadly catch. 

"It's the scariest thing I've ever done in my life."

The catch, which took place off the coast of Huntington Beach, is rare not only in the region, but also because these type of mako sharks "very rarely have any interactions with people," remarked Nick Wegner, a fisheries research biologist.

The entire effort to catch the 1,323-pound beast was presumably captured by the videographers onboard for "Jim Shockey's The Professionals."

"Each episode highlights the trials and tribulations that occur while traveling to the world's most dangerous hunting destinations," says the show's official website.

However, not everyone shared in the enthusiasm of such an achievement.

The director of Shark Stewards, David McGuire, believed the shark should have been released.

"I'm a little shocked by it," said the director of the nonprofit organization that advocates for the protection of sharks.

"It's really something you see more in Florida than in California, where we have more of a conservation ethic."

McGuire continued to criticize the "Jim Shockey" crew, saying that "these kinds of reality shows are not reality."

"The reality is we're overfishing sharks and this macho big-game attitude should be a relic of the past."

Mako Matt defended their actions by saying they followed fishing regulations. 

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