Obama Appoints Samantha Power As UN Ambassador: Conservatives And Israeli Groups Furious Over Comments She Made During Interview Posted On YouTube

President Barack Obama appointed former aide Samantha Power as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations on Wednesday, prompting many conservatives and Israeli groups to bash her over comments she made during a decade-old interview that is posted on YouTube.

"Here we go again, the President picks yet another Anti-American person for his inner circle. does this guy even personally know any decent people? because i dont think he does. Disgraceful," said one YouTube viewer who commented on the video following the announcement.

"Israel should walk out of the UN whenever she speaks," commented another viewer.

The video of the interview, which was conducted in 2002 but posted on March 2011, has garnered over 13,000 views on YouTube and has been receiving minute-to-minute comments.

Watch the video here:

Haaretz, a liberal English-language Israeli newspaper, wrote an article on Wednesday about the video and Obama's appointment that read, "A 2002 YouTube video that is less than 3-minutes long is likely to play a prominent role in any campaign launched by right-wing Republican and Jewish Groups against the appointment of Samantha Power as America's next ambassador to the United Nations."

"Short, decade-old clip, which she has since disavowed, presents Obama's pick for UN ambassador as being against U.S. aid to Israel and for an imposed solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," it continued.

Samantha Power has written extensively about human rights issues, genocide and the politics of the Middle East. While serving as Obama's aide, she was a strong advocate of U.S. intervention to prevent genocide and civil rights.

Power's nomination is currently awaiting the Senate's confirmation.

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