News Crew Bit By Dog And Attacked With Baseball Bat, Woman Under Arrest [VIDEO]

 A news crew in Rhode Island was attacked by dogs and a woman with a baseball bat. The woman also threw a rock at the cameraman. She has been arrested and charged with felony assault.

According to The Washington Post, a cameraman and reporters were trying to interview the mother of a teenage girl who was shot in the back during a kindergarten graduation party. The teenage boy who shot the girl turned himself into police.

Reporter Abbey Niezgoda and cameraman Marc Jackson approached the home of Melissa Lawrence, the mother of the girl. Niezgoda asked Lawrence, "How do you feel about that?" referring to the shooter turning himself into the police, WGGB reports.

Lawrence then picked up a rock and threw it at Jackson, where it hit him in the arm. The crew began to leave just as Lawrence came out wielding a baseball bat. She shouted "Get away from me!" and directed her two pit bulls to attack the news crew.

Niezgoda was bit by a dog on her forearm, which Jackson caught on tape. Niezgoda had to receive a tetanus shot for the bite.

According to the news station, Niezgoda never stepped on Lawrence's private property.

Lawrence has been arrested and will appear in court on Wednesday.

Check out a video of the attack here:

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