‘Gang Of Eight’ Senators Will Meet Their House Counterparts Tomorrow After Bipartisan Meeting Failed

The "Gang of Eight" Republican senators will meet their House of Representatives counterparts Wednesday to discuss the immigration reform proposal. Bipartisan meetings in the House on the immigration reform bill have failed Tuesday, ABC News reports.

They will discuss the details of the bill, which includes a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrations in the United States, as well as improved security at the border, CBS News reports.

The Republican senators who will meet their conservative counterparts include Senators Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Mike Lee, R-Utah; Jeff Flake. R-Ariz.; Rand Paul, R-Ky.; and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

The bill is expected to reach the Senate floor next week. According to CBS, it could be finished as early as the July 4th recess, but may undergo considerable changes.

It is unclear whether the bill will pass in the House.

CBS News also reports that it would be beneficial for Republicans to pass an immigration bill, in order to win the Hispanic vote. In last year's election, it became clear that Republicans are trailing in this area.

The bipartisan meetings in the House failed today - congressmen have not reached an agreement on a House bill, ABC News reports.

The biggest hurdle to the meetings is the Republicans insistence that newly legalized workers should not have access to government-sponsored health care during their pathway to citizenship, which could take 15 years.

Democrats, on the other hand, believe that these immigrants should be eligible for benefits, as they would be paying U.S. taxes during their route to citizenship.

This stalemate, according to ABC News, is an indicator of the blockades that will arise while the congressmen struggle to agree on any form of immigration legislation.

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