Liam Hemsworth Now Following Miley Cyrus' Twitter But Still Hates Twitter

The ruptured (or is it?) relationship that is Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth has the paparazzi agog, and when word came that Liam Hemsworth had started a Twitter account, but wasn't following his beau Miley, it just added fuel to the fire.

Liam Hemsworth joined Twitter yesterday. The Hunger Games actor has been pretty adamant about his dislike for social media, especially as regards his on-again off-again on-again fiancé Miley Cyrus.

So then why is Liam Hemsworth joining Twitter, and why--as of this writing--has he not started following his former Hannah Montana, but now pop sensation future wife?

HollywoodLife is reporting a source that says it's not really about a split between the pair, it's more Liam's loathing for social media in general:

"Don't read too much into Liam's twitter account, it was started to promote his new movie and his brand. It was something he fought against for a long time but his team talked him into doing it, he won't be using it as anything but a way to reach his fans, he won't be checking it non-stop or chatting with friends on it. Miley on the other hand is a twitter addict, she and Liam have fought a lot about it, he really hates all this social media because he feels like it's a distraction from real life. It's a big issue for them."

But now Liam IS following Miley Cyrus and she appears to be the only person he's following that's not directly or indirectly related to his "brand."

Miley is also following her fiancé, though whether that means they're still engaged and ready to walk down the aisle leaves a lot to be desired. 

Just know that now Liam Hemsworth has a Twitter account and he is following his girlfriend/fiancé and she is following him. All is right with the world, Miley just need to show her man how to find her on Twitter and follow her. 

He's still pissed when she tweets when they're together though. 

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