Sheep-Eating Plant Blooms In UK Garden; The 10-ft Tall Plant With Spikes, Puya chilensis, Ensnares Animals And Starves Them to Death

A sheep-eating plant has finally bloomed at a garden in the U.K.

The sheep-eating plant, known with its scientific name as Puya chilensis, has been planted 15 years ago at the Royal Horticultural Society's Garden Wisley in England. Since then, the sheep-eating plant was able to reach a height of 10 feet and grow its distinct base with razor sharp and hook-shaped spines, Hufftington Post reported.

The sheep-eating plant is now getting online buzz because of its strange characteristics especially when it comes to its 'natural diet'. It kills and 'eats' sheep, thus the name. Puya chilensis, or the sheep-eating plant, is a native of Chile, according to a BBC report. The plant which is a relative of the pineapple species is using its sharp spines to entangle sheep and other small animals. This will cause the animals to slowly starve to death and decompose. The decomposed animals will act as the fertilizer for the plant, nourishing the sheep-eating plant through the soil.  

For the first time in 15 years that the sheep-eating plant has been planted to the English garden, it was able to produce its first flower. Cara Smith, a horticulturist at the Garden Wisley is attributing the success of the sheep-eating plants' nourishment on a liquid fertilizer. She said, "[F]eeding it on its natural diet might prove a bit problematic."

The hoticulturist further added, "P]arents coming along with small children [to see the flower] don't need to worry about the plant devouring their little ones." She explained that the sheep-eating plant is in the arid area of their Glasshouse and its deadly spines are out of reach of both children and animals.

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