"Tap Water Terrorism", Official Accuses Tenn. Residents Complaining About Water Quality: Residents "Afraid To Drink" Cloudy Water

"Tap water terrorism" is the newest way federal officials are telling citizens that complaining is dissent. A state water official told residents who were concerned about contamination in their tap water that water quality complaints could be considered "an act of terrorism".

The Tennessee water official who made the "tap water terrorism" comments is Sherwin Smith, Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation 's (TEDC) deputy director of the Division of Water Resources.

Residents of Mount Pleasant, TN are concerned about the quality of their drinking water because it is sometimes cloudy, and they have been notified to boil it twice in the last year alone.

Smith made the comments at a discussion about poor water quality between residents of Mount Pleasant, TN who are members of Statewide Organizing for Community Empowerment and Department of Environment and Conservation officials.

Residents say people have gotten sick from drinking the water. One source said that the majority of the residents will no longer drink tap water

Dwight Green was at the meeting and said he was shocked by the "tap water terrorism" comments. "I took it as a threat. Like 'Shut up and go home. Be quiet,'" he said.

Smith said that when complaints about the water are made, "...you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there's no water quality issues, that can be considered, under homeland security, an act of terrorism."

Thus, residents who express concern over the water their families drink have been branded as "terrorist" in an effort to silence dissent over water that is officially labeled "clean".

Many residents are "praying" before they drink water. "Some people are buying water. They're afraid to drink it," Green said.

Where do we turn now," asked Mt. Pleasant resident Joycelene Johns. "We've met with our state representative who is supposed to be looking out for us, attended public meetings like they asked, and they intimidate us by accusing us of committing acts of terrorism. We just want clean and affordable water. How is that terrorism?"

A statement said that Smith regrets his choice of words. The department says it has tested the water and believes it is safe.

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