Supermoon Visible Sunday Night: Watch The Largest Moon You May See In Years [VIDEO]

Supermoon visible Sunday night for the world to see as the moon will be the closest to earth, thus making it appear larger than usual.

With the Supermoon visible Sunday night, come 9:00 p.m. local time, people will be able to notice the larger moon.

The Supermoon visible Sunday Night means what?

"A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the moon's disk as seen from Earth. The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The term 'Supermoon' is not astronomical, but it rather originated in modern astrology," written in Discover Magazine.

On March 19, 2011, the Supermoon was 221,566 miles (356,577 kilometers) away from Earth. The last time the full moon approached so close to Earth was in 1993, according to Yahoo. It was about 20 percent brighter and 15 percent bigger than a regular full moon.

"This unusual perfect confluence of lunar perigee and full moon will create the highest tides of the year," Bob Berman, contributing editor and monthly columnist for Astronomy magazine, said in a statement. "We can expect expose-the-sand lows and lap-the-boardwalk highs on Sunday and especially Monday, since the oceans usually require a day to catch up with the behavior of the moon," Berman added.

Friday was the longest day of the year because in the Northern Hemisphere, known as summer solstice, which made the sun appear to be the furthest from earth that it does all year.

"This is thus a 'solstitial moon' as well. The visual effect is to make this the lowest-down full moon of 2013," Berman said. "And since lower moons tend to be orange-yellow or amber, shining as they do through more than twice as much reddening air and moisture, this lunar experience should give us a true 'honey moon' all night long. Moreover, lower moons look larger thanks to the famous 'moon illusion.'"

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