Twinkies Are Coming Back July 15; Call Ghostbusters

Twinkies are coming back to store shelves on July 15. Twinkies, the famous snack that has played a featured part in the movies “Ghostbusters” and kept the survivors of “Zombieland” on the move, is due to return to store shelves on July 15.

Twinkies are an iconic snack food. Hostess, the company that manufactured Twinkies, went out of business last year.

The announcement that Twinkies are coming back was made by Daren Metropoulos, principal of Metropoulos & Co., which is one of the two companies that bought the rights to Twinkies and the other snack brands that went bust when Hostess Brands went bankrupt earlier this year. Metropoulos said "America wanted Hostess back -- they wanted the original."

The new Twinkies packaging will look very similar to the old one. The box will add the line "The sweetest comeback in the history of ever."

The new company Metropoulos & Co., will sell the Hostess and Dolly Madison snack products that were dropped when Hostess dropped their snacks. Hostess’s bread bands, including Wonder Bread, were bought by other companies. Details of the return of those products have yet to be announced.

Wonder Bread, Twinkies, Devil Dogs, Yodels, Yankee Doodles and other Hostess products have been out of production since November, when Hostess Brands Inc. filed with the bankruptcy court to liquidate its 82-year old business after a the Bakery Workers union went on strike.

During the liquidation process, the bankruptcy court has been overseeing an auction of various bands from Hostess. Most of Hostess’s 18,500 employees lost their jobs then the company went out of the business.

Private equity groups Apollo Group (APOL) and Metropoulos & Co bought the new snack company, Hostess Brands LLC, and five of the company’s closed bakeries for $410 million as part of their bid.

Metropoulos also owns Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, and had owned Chef Boyardee canned pasta, Bumble Bee seafood, PAM cooking spray and Gulden's Mustard, all of which it eventually sold to ConAgra Foods Inc.

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