Aaron Carter Claims He Won Fight With Four Men Who Jumped Him Over New Kids On The Block Turf War

Aaron Carter claims he got in a fight over "New Kids on the Block" turf war....and won the battle. Carter claims he beat up four grown men who approached him and jumped him for being in NKOTB territory (Boston). Yes, really.

In other surprising news, New Kids on the Block is apparently still a thing.

Aaron Carter claimed he was having dinner in Boston with a friend and was accosted by some huge dude in a parking lot, who yelled "I heard you're doing a show here tomorrow. This is the town of the New Kids."

Three other guys then supposedly lept out of a gold Chevy Malibu (classyyyy) and jumped Carter, punching him in the kisser.

Carter alleges that he beat the four grown men down single-handedly (or, well, double-handedly, but without any help other than his own two fists).

Aaron Carter is... Boston strong, maybe? Kinda?

Carter posted a plethora of selfies on Instagram of a black eye and bruised knuckles. He also tweeted some macho crap. Bravado abounded all around.

Carter posted,

"I think my knuckles might be broken, but that's what they get. People think I'm a pretty little white boy but no way. I think I won. I'm still standing."

Later, and just as hilariously, he Tweeted,

Also: Carter will schedule as performed and not file a police report, because that's "girlie." Also: he called out Jordan Knight on Twitter, saying

Also: a certain reporter feels Carter probably got drunk and punched a wall.

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