Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: Is Nintendo In Trouble? PS4, Xbox One Pre-Orders Destroy Wii U Sales After EA Stops Game Development With Nintendo

Nintendo's Wii U console is experiencing a tremendous lag in sales compared to PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders, swelling insecurities over the future of the company.

The Wii U, which was originally released in November 2012, had 1.1 million unit sales in the first five months of its release, compared with 2.1 million Wiis when that system came out, CNBC reports.

To put those numbers in perspective, in the first three months of 2013 - without holiday sales to boost it - the eight-year-old Xbox 360 sold 840,000 hardware units - 75 percent of the Wii U's life-to-date numbers, CNBC also writes.

But Nintendo's quandaries don't stop there.

Electronic Arts, one of the gaming industry's largest developer organizations, announced in May that they would not develop games for the Nintendo Wii U and were holding back funding for the development of products for the console.

Nintendo Wii U's worries come as PS4 and Xbox One consoles continue to dominate the video game market and as both Sony and Microsoft consoles earned's highest pre-order sales - ever.

Nintendo released a report in March that 3.45 million units were sold across the world and that 400,000 units were sold within the first week of its release.

But even Nintendo's leaders have recognized the console's misfortunate within the video game market and have acknowledged its faulty marketing. 

"We are to blame," said Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, in an interview with CNBC.

"We relaxed our (marketing) efforts, so the consumers today still cannot understand what's so good and unique about the Wii U. Because we're always trying to be unique, it takes some energies on our side to (help) people understand the real attractions about whatever we are doing."

Editorial Note: A change was made to correct an error that listed the incorrect release date of the Wii U. 

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