George Zimmerman Murder Trial Starts With 911 Tape, Poorly Timed Joke & Cursing [Videos]

George Zimmerman's murder trial started today in Florida, and it was as colorful as the events leading up to the trial with the prosecutor cursing out the defense attorney, and the defense attorney telling a joke.

In Sanford Florida, jurors heard George Zimmerman's panicked phone call to police as he trailed Trayvon Martin through that fatefall February 26 night in 2012 when an unarmed Martin died from a gunshot wound fired by Zimmerman.

Both sides started the proceedings with their opening statements, which had some wondering if this was going to be a circus instead of a judicial review for justice in the senseless slaying.

The prosecutor told the jurors that Zimmerman killed Martin "because he wanted to," and Zimmerman's lawyer told the court it was a "sad case" but that "there are no monsters here."

The prosecutor, John Guy, started things off with in the racially charged case with a flourish turning towards the jury and saying "F***ing punks."

Guy, was quoting from Zimmerman's phone call to police while reporting a suspicious person the night of the shooting, continued: "These a**holes always get away."

Then Guy laid down the gauntlet, "Those were the words in the defendant's head just moments before he pressed the pistol," he told the all-female jury pool.

The prosecutor painted a picture of the jury of an overzealous neighborhood watch captain, and he profiled, followed and ultimately killed the 17-year-old Martin after he had left a convenience store to go back to his father's girlfriend's house.

The jury listened to Guy's speech quietly and obviously moved during the tougher portions, with hands clasped to their mouths.

Zimmerman's defense attorney, Don West, opened in a more understated way, and offered a "knock knock" joke that was poorly received by nearly everyone.

"Who's there?" West said. "George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? Okay, good. You're on the jury."

West later apologized for the joke in case he offended anyone.

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