Asian Tiger Mosquito Invasive To New Jersey: ‘Extremely Aggressive Insect’ Spreads Diseases Like West Nile Virus, Bites In Daytime

The Asian tiger mosquito, invasive to New Jersey, attacks citizens at any time of day, can breed anywhere, and is more likely to spread dangerous diseases like West Nile virus.

"The Asian tiger mosquito is an extremely aggressive insect that has largely supplanted japonicus since 2008, especially in urban and suburban areas," Eric Green, the mosquito control officer for Passaic County, told The Record. 

The japonicus mosquito, he explained, is an insect that feeds mostly on birds and is known to spread disease among its hosts, The Daily Mail reports.

The Asian tiger mosquito, which is distinctive for its white and black striped legs and scientifically called Aedes albopictus, could be "a more efficient disease vector, especially for West Nile virus," he said, because "it bites in daytime and could put more people at risk."

According to experts, the Asian tiger mosquito is a known vector for other serious viral diseases around the world, including dengue fever, eastern equine encephalitis and chikungunya fever, The Daily Mail writes.

Pete Rendine, chief inspector with the mosquito control division of the Bergen County Public Works Department, said the most effective way to get rid of the mosquito problem is to clean up private property to eliminate breeding ground for the insects, which could be any form of standing water, even in a container as small as a bottle cap.

"This is how you kill them," Rendine said, who demonstrated by spilling a cup filled with water and wrigglers out onto the ground. "That's it. That's all there is to it. Without water, they die."

"This is an extremely obnoxious nuisance mosquito," added Claudia O'Malley, a biologist for the state's mosquito control division. "It is impossible to control without concerted efforts by homeowners in eliminating the breeding habitat," she said.

Repellent can also be used to deter the swarms of mosquitos when out for a walk or spending hours out of doors.

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