George Zimmerman's Lawyer Gets Zero Laughs With 'Knock-Knock' Joke During Trayvon Martin Case Trial: Is The Attorney A Hack [VIDEO]?

The George Zimmerman prosecution trial began Monday with a knock-knock joke, thanks to his attorney Don West. But no one was laughing.

"Knock knock," West began in his opening statements. "Who is there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who?"

"All right, good. You're on the jury."

Given the case surrounds the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, and is laced with racist allegations, the joke understandably got zero laughs from the six-panel jury.

"I would be furious at my lawyer unless the lawyer told him he was going to open with that joke," commented lawyer and author Alan Dershowitz to FOX News.

"In fact, I would ask my other lawyer to make a motion for a mistrial to start all over again."

This blasé attitude from Zimmerman's attorney only seems to be exacerbated by prosecutor John Guy's serious accusations.

"We are confident that at the end of this trial you will know in your head, in your heart, in your stomach that George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to," said Guy during the trial.

"He shot him for the worst of all reasons, because he wanted to."

If convicted, Zimmerman could face up to life in prison for the February 2012 shooting of the African American teenager.

"This is such a serious case. You have to be so dead serious. You're the defense lawyer. You're standing between yourself and the defendant and if the jury doesn't like you, the jury's not going to like the defendant," continued Dershowitz.

"And everything in this case comes down to George Zimmerman's credibility."

And so far, Don West doesn't seem to be helping.

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