Paris Jackson Attempted Suicide Revealed: Facebook Comments About Herself And Michael Jackson Drove Her Mad! [VIDEO]

Paris Jackson may have attempted suicide due to Facebook. The social media site was where Paris received her online bullying may have been to blame for her attempted suicide but Facebook has rules that prevent her family from erasing her fan page.

Paris was consumed with the mean comments said about herself and father, Michael Jackson, on her Facebook page. The mean comments were so intense that Paris actually attempted suicide.

Paris does not currently have access to her Facebook page while she's in the psych ward at UCLA Medical Center.  But her family is deeply concerned that she'll backslide if she goes back on Facebook when she gets out.

The family is extremely frustrated, because they've tried to shut down Paris' Facebook page, but they can't --- Facebook's policy is that the family of a user has no right to shut down an account if the user is 13 years of age or older.  Shouldn't that raise be aged to at least 16?

Facebook alone is not the only reason for Paris's demise.

Paris Jackson has had more to deal with in her 15 years than most teenagers. The death of her father must have taken a toll on the fragile girl whom displayed devastation in front of the world at Michael Jackson's funeral.

Michael Jackson didn't understand the long-term damage that would be done by isolating his children from much of the world and their mother. Throwing Paris immediately into the world after her father's death definitely lead to her suicide.

They added that while Jackson was genuine in only wanting the best for his children, he failed to factor in the realities of the real world they'd have to face one way or another. Paris Jackson reportedly took 20 Motrin pills and used a meat cleaver to cut her arms.

"Paris is really just this lonely young girl who literally has no idea where she belongs," said a close Jackson family friend. "As a young child, her world only really included her father, two brothers, and household staff.  She'd been home schooled so she had no idea how even make friends when her father died. Think of how difficult that is to learn as a teenager girl in today's world."

When father Michael Jackson died, the changes the childrens' lives were fast and turned theire lives around In a matter of just two months, they would go from being home schooled to being enrolled into one of California's most elite private schools. In an era where "mean girls" rule the hallways, Paris found fitting in particularly difficult.


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