Nelson Mandela Death Date: Will His Clan Pull The Plug To End His Life? Madiba Tribe Elders Want To ‘Put Him Out Of His Misery’ After South African Hero Goes On Life Support

Elders from Nelson Mandela's clan travelled to Pretoria on Wednesday to see the ailing South African leader for themselves and are to "discuss what should be done," raising rumors those close to him might pull the plug on him.

Nelson Mandela is currently on life support and has been reported in critical condition by medical officials. The South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist has been treated in a hospital in Pretoria for several weeks.

"I am of the view that if Madiba is no longer enjoying life, and is on life support systems, and is not appreciating what is happening around him, I think the good Lord should take the decision to put him out of his suffering," said the tribal chief, Phathekile Holomisa, according to CBS News.

But not all of Nelson Mandela's loved ones are advocating for an immediate pulling of the plug while he's on life support.

"We can only hope for the best, and that is what the doctors decide to do," George Bizos, one of Nelson Mandela's closest friends and former lawyer, told The Telegraph.

"I am sure that the members of the family are discussing the matter with the doctors but it should probably be primarily the doctors in consultation with the family if the situation is critical."

Nelson Mandela served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 after fighting racial segregation and apartheid in the country, bringing the country's first fully representative, multiracial elections.

The South African revolutionary is a member of the democratic socialist African National Congress party. 

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