Kat Von D Deadmau5 End Engagment Over After Twitter Revelations Of Infidelity; Deadmau5 Responds On Facebook

Kat Von D and musician fiancé Deadmau5 have ended their engagement. But how news of the final split occurred continued their infatuation with making their relationship public. They split over Twitter, and Deadmau 5 responded over Facebook.

Remember, the two got engaged over Twitter in December, so it stands to reason they'd break-up over Twitter and Facebook.

The world has changed in very real ways: Twitter has replaced public relations firms.

Kat Von D sent out a series of messages last night over her Twitter feed that suggest the on-again off-again engaged couple are off-again; except, this time, it's probably permanent.

Kat Von D started things off when she tweeted last night:

She then followed that up with:

And expressed that she was a fool for believing Deadmau5 could stay true:

Deadmau5 responded in a Facebook post

Here is that Deadmau5 Facebook post, in its entirety:

"All i am saying on the matter:

"Kat and I split in November and I moved back home to Toronto. During this time, while we were broken up, I did have relations with another woman. Following that, Kat and I reconciled and I acknowledged being intimate with another person while we were estranged.

"We did move past those issues and I proposed to Kat in mid- December. At the end of June, it was clear that the relationship was not working and we mutually ended the engagement. I was not, at any point, unfaithful to Kat during our time together.

"I don't wish to go tit for tat with these kinds of pronouncements and don't expect to comment further, but I do believe that those who have expressed concern deserve a more complete understanding of what transpired."

Then Deadmau5 was back to music:

Poor Kat Von D and Deadmau5; they were our favorite alternative couple that shares way too much on social media. Buy maybe they'll make-up over Vine?

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