PS4 Vs. Xbox One: Microsoft Doomed For Failure? ‘100 Percent Of People Always Prefer The Lower Price,’ Activision Says

Game developer Activision said the Playstation 4 will have an advantage over Xbox One because of its cheaper price, according to, raising concerns for Microsoft that the company will lose out on sales when both consoles are released.

"It's up to them to win the value argument," Activision Publishing president Eric Hirshberg told, when questioned if the Xbox One's $499 price was a concern, according to

"If you do a focus group of a gazillion people and you show them two prices for two competitive products, 100 percent always prefer the lower price. I think from a first impression standpoint the win goes to Sony, at least as it relates to pricing," he said.

"Microsoft is going to have to win the hearts and minds and convince people that the higher price point is worth it, and that it provides really meaningful capabilities that will be meaningful to consumers. And it's a long game, so I am sure that's what they intend on trying to do."

But Activision isn't the only company that says Microsoft will have a hard time marketing the Xbox One, and price tags aren't the only thing critics say will hold back the new console.

Sony's senior vice president of Playstation believes the PS4 will beat Xbox One in terms of graphical power, Now Gamer reported earlier this week.

"The reality is that every time a generation changes, the playing field is leveled. We actually think that we're going to have superior graphic fidelity, but the whole value proposition has to be right," said Sony vice president Guy Longworth in an interview with Games Industry.

The battle between Sony and Microsoft for next-generation console continues. 

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