Rihanna Instagram Shades Kanye West & Sexy Outfits Stick It Too 'Sloppy Menopausal Mess' Writer [Pics & Gifs]

Rihanna has been making headlines during her Diamond World Tour, and now she's messing with Kanye West and sticking it to the writer who called her out in the Daily Mail.

First though, Rihanna "liked" a photo on Instagram which shows a lipsticked hued Kanye West taking a dig at the Yeezus rapper for his new baby girl, North West. See the pics below, via Bossip.com:

But that's not all. Rihanna also uploaded a series of scantilly-clad photos to stick it to the Daily Mail writer, Liz Jones who Rihanna attacked on Instagram yesterday for being a "sloppy menopausal mess."

Here are just some of the recent photos Rihanna has uploaded to picture-sharing site, Instagram:

The sexy chanteuse has been dealing with a lot of backlash over her sexy outfits during her Diamonds World Tour, but she's always been on the cutting edge of sexy.

Maybe she's not the best role model, but she is being herself. Check out these gifs of Rihanna and decide for yourself.

Like this butt-tastic shot from a show earlier in Rihanna's career:

Or this Rihanna BDSM sadism scene from a video from earlier in her career:

That's not all, that had Liz Jones in a tizzy after-the-fact. Rihanna doesn't have any qualms wearing see-thru tops as she walks around off the stage too:

That's not to mention her way of sexualizing food like a banana and some strawberries from this early-career video:

But perhaps what's most alluring about Rihanna are her "whoa" photo shoots, like this one for GQ:

Maybe Liz Jones should stop and think before she writes another column in the Daily Mail about Rihanna's sartorial choices. Rihanna's been true to herself throughout her career, and this sexualization phase isn't really a phase.

Rihanna has always dressed sexy, Liz is just learning this now.

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