Obama Concerned Edward Snowden May Leak More Secret Documents; Says He "Shouldn't Have To" Call Russia Or Ecuador: Playing Down Importance?

President Obama said he was worried over what classified information NSA leaker Edward Snowden might leak.

Obama said he wasn't interested in "wheeling and dealing and trading" to get Edward Snowden extradited to the U.S. But Obama admitted he was "concerned" over what other state secrets Snowden might let slip.

"I continue to be concerned about the other documents he may have," President Obama said at a news conference. "He has those documents. He's released some of them but not all of them have been released."

"I have not called President Xi personally or President Putin personally and the reason is, number one, I shouldn't have to," Obama said to press.

"Number two, we've got a whole lot of business that we do with China and Russia, and I'm not going to have one case of a suspect who we're trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I've got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues," he added.

Snowden is currently chillin' like a villian in the legal no-man's-land of the Moscow airport. Maybe. Probably. Hope the food court's good.

Nobody's sure where Snowden go after that, but Russian president Vladimir Putin said he won't extradite Snowden because he is not in Russian territory and hasn't committed any crimes there. He was supposed to go to Ecuador, but didn't. Ecuador says they'll decide on extradition if and when he gets there.

Obama said he said he doesn't plan on "scrambling military jets to go after a 29-year-old hacker." He said the Snowden case was "not exceptional from a law enforcement perspective" and should be handled through routine channels. 

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