Lauderhill Mall Fight: Over 100 Teens Brawl Inside Mall Over Trayvon Martin Case? [VIDEO]

Over 100 teens fought each other inside of the Lauder Hill Mall in Florida on Tuesday afternoon, and police say they brawled over the Trayvon Martin murder case, a prior dispute between two girls and a social media campaign designed for people to fight each other at the mall, according to the Huffington Post.

The conflict began at 3:30 p.m. outside the Dollar Store at the south end of the mall with two girls who began fighting each other, the Huffington Post also reports.

Watch a video of the fight here:

A 16-year-old boy, whose forehead was cut, was taken to Plantation General Hospital after the conflict.

"I don't know what the motive was for using the mall or why they would want to fight," he told the Huffington Post.

The ongoing Trayvon Martin murder case has captured the attention of Americans across the country as the ruling for the case could have serious implications for the role of race and equality in the United States.

But police officials told several reporters at the mall that part of the brawl was centered on disagreements over how the case should be handled.

Shopper Danielle Jozwiak said she was surprised by the size of the crowd as she left the Dollar Store, according to the Huffington Post.

"There was more than 100," she said. "You couldn't even see [the parking lot] they had the sidewalk and the whole road full of kids."

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