Starbucks Baby Name Story: For Half A Year, Expecting Parents Allow Customers To Choose The Name Of Their Baby And Which Name Won?

The Starbucks baby name story involves expecting parents using customers at the famous coffee shop to decide the name of their child.

In the Starbucks baby name story, Jennifer James, 25, and Mark Dixon, 24, came down to the two names of Logan and Jackson for their baby.  They were stuck between naming the baby Jackson or Logan.  It was the only names both liked, but Dixon wanted Jackson and James wanted Logan.

The Starbucks baby name story idea came about when they noticed the Starbucks they go to every day, let customers vote on the employee of the month.

Besides the names they wanted people to vote for, some decided to write different names on the ballots near the register, which asked the customer to name the baby either Logan or Jackson.

"We've gotten Obama, Jebediah, Lincoln. Someone put (a) write-in, Webster," James, who is about seven months pregnant with her first child told

Of the 18 votes for either Jackson or Logan, it came down to a matter of two votes as Logan won 15-13. That was only Tuesday and since the parents of the soon-to-be baby-boy have been tracking the results every day for half a year, and apparently it's not even close to who is winning.

"Logan-by far. At least by 400 or 500," Dixon told

Tuesday was the end and according to Dixon, the amount of votes tallies up to 1800 different votes.

The parents plan to save any newspaper clippings of what their story to decide his name and all the votes from the Starbucks customers.

"He's going to love it. We'll tell him we read the paper every day, everything that we see we cut out for him. We're saving the paper of things that happened leading up to his birth, and now he'll be a part of that," Dixon said

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