George Zimmerman Trial Update [LIVE STREAM]: Witnesses Give Opposing Testimonies Of Trayvon Martin Shooting, Who Is Lying?

As the George Zimmerman trial continues, opposing testimonies of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin have been given as to who was the aggressor.

According to witnesses John Good and Selma Mora, Zimmerman and Martin engaged in a fist fight with one on top of the other, but they can't seem to agree who was on top and who was on the bottom.

"Could you describe who was on top and who was at bottom," asked prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda.

"The color on top was dark and the color at bottom," answered Good in reference to the color of the clothing.

This puts Zimmerman on the bottom, who was wearing a red and black jacket the night of the shooting, and Martin on top, who was in a dark sweatshirt.

ABC also reports that Good attests he heard the person on the bottom calling for "help."

And yet, Mora affirmed Thursday that she saw Zimmerman on top of Martin moments before the gunshot ended Martin's life.

She told the court she saw a man in "patterns between black and red" on top, and that "one of them was on the ground, and the other one was on top in position like a rider."

As the trial continues today, several more witnesses are set to take the stand, which can be viewed on NBC's official live stream.

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