Playstation 4 Price Tag Rumors: Could The PS4 Price Drop 60 Percent In Three Years? Average Console Cost Drops By Its Third Year, Report Suggests

The average console tends to dip to around 50 or 60 percent of its real-value launch price by its third year on the market, Ars Technica reports, suggesting the PS4 price could dip in upcoming years.

The Playstation 4 is currently priced at $399 while its primary competitor, the Xbox One, is priced at $499 - a scenario that has tilted in favor of Sony.

"Whether this trend continues depends largely on how competitive the market is this time around; note that the NES stayed at its $100 nominal price from 1988 through 1992, without much real damage to its dominant position," Ars Technica's report reads.

"All told, looking at economic history on a fair dollar-to-dollar basis shows that neither Sony nor Microsoft are launching well outside of historic norms, and that any sticker shock will probably be mitigated significantly by price drops like within two or three years."

Regardless of future price decreases, many gaming analysts say the Playstation 4 continues to dominate the next-generation console market because of its more affordable price.

Game developer Activision said the Playstation 4 will have an advantage over Xbox One because of its cheaper price, according to, raising concerns for Microsoft that the company will lose out on sales when both consoles are released.

"If you do a focus group of a gazillion people and you show them two prices for two competitive products, 100 percent always prefer the lower price. I think from a first impression standpoint the win goes to Sony, at least as it relates to pricing," Activision Publishing president Eric Hirshberg told 

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