Alec Baldwin Twitter Rant: Wife Defended Against Accusations Of Tweeting During Gandolfini Funeral, ’30 Rock’ Actor Calls Journalist ‘Toxic Little Queen,’ Account Suspended

Alec Baldwin rants on Twitter to defend his wife against claims that she tweeted during James Gandolfini's funeral on Thursday. He used swear words and homophobic slurs to attack the British reporter that made the accusations.

Baldwin, star of the television series "30 Rock," violently threatened reporter George Stark, who said his wife Hilaria Thomas had tweeted about wedding presents and TV appearances during Gandolfini's funeral, Fox News reports.

"If put my foot up your f**king ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much," one tweet read.

"I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f**k you... up," he added.

Baldwin denied Thomas had tweeted during the funeral, defending her by saying the tweets were posted after the New York City service.

"My wife DID NOT use her phone, in any capacity, at our friends funeral. Now, f**k this twitter + good luck to all of you who know the truth," he tweeted.

Baldwin's Twitter account was disabled following the rant.

Thomas explained her tweets on her own Twitter account later on Thursday: "When someone tweets something at a certain time, and you retweet it later, it posts the TIME the first person tweeted."

A Baldwin rep said in a statement to ABC News: "It is disgraceful that this reporter manufactured a story and never called for comment or explanation - especially when it needlessly diverted attention away from a day to honor the memory of a beloved figure like Mr. Gandolfini."

This is not the first time Baldwin has gone off on an inappropriate rant. In February, he reportedly made racist remarks about a newspaper photographer, calling him a "coon" and a "crackhead."

"He was saying some serious racist stuff," New York Post photographer G.N. Miller said at the time, Fox News reports. "He said some choice words about my mother, and he was telling people in the street that I'm a drug dealer."

Baldwin denied he made those statements.

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